Welcome to Kindergarten at Hedges Elementary. This page contains many of the school year activities and will be updated frequently. Please check back often!

The kiddos

February 8

Kindergarten Families! February 8, 2010

Just a reminder…
There will be an early release on Wednesday ~ February 16, 2011. School will be dismissed at 1:25 PM on that day.

We do NOT have school on Monday ~ February 21st!
Happy President’s Day!

We had a great time celebrating 100’s day and we are looking forward to a great Valentine’s day on Monday, February 14th! We will have our party from 12:00-1:00. Treats are welcome! We really appreciate your support in our classroom!

Please see the attached pages about our new snack procedure! Starting on Tuesday ~ March 1st, students will be responsible for bringing in snack for the WHOLE CLASS!!
Please contact me with any comments, questions, or concerns!

Have a fantastic week!


Beginning Tuesday ~ March 1st we will have a new snack procedure. Attached you will find a calendar with each student’s name on a day. That is your child’s “Lucky Star” day! Your child will be the line leader and special teacher helper for the day. It also means that your child gets to bring the snack for the day and ONE thing from home to show the class.

Please include enough snacks for 22 students. Please send healthy snacks for us to enjoy: crackers, popcorn, trail mix, nuts, yougurt, cheese sticks, graham crackers, veggies, fruit, etc.

On your child’s special day, please help him/her choose ONE item to bring to school for Show and Tell. Some past “Lucky Stars” have brought pictures, collections, postcards, seashells, souvenirs, books, etc. NO PETS!

The Lucky Star box replaces Show and Tell. With 22 students in our class this year, your child should be the Lucky Star about once a month. If there is something too big for the Lucky Star box, you can place a note in the box telling me what it is and bring the item in separately. We will have “Lucky Star” and snack time around 10:20 AM if you need to bring in an item. Thanks for helping your child with this fun activity!