Welcome to Kindergarten at Hedges Elementary. This page contains many of the school year activities and will be updated frequently. Please check back often!

The kiddos



Throughout the year we will be challenging kindergarteners with one "frog goal" each week. Listed below is a list of the goals that we will work towards as the year progresses. When the goal has been reached, the student will get a frog. (No worries, it's plastic!) Consider helping your kindergartener find a special place for their growing frog collection. Most importantly, please support your child in successfully achieving these goals by practicing with them throughout the week. Happy frogging!

full name (first, middle and last)
birthday month and date
phone number
complete address
counting to 10
recognizes numbers to 10
recognizing letters in name
zip coat and backpack
tie shoes
count by 10's
count by 2's to 20
labeled clothing
spelling (a, the, can, at)
counting by 5's
identify right and left
greater than (>) and less than (<)
identify letter/word/sentence
five food groups
time to the hour (analog)
time to the hour and half hour (digital)
recite the Pledge of Allegiance
identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
know coin values
writing first, middle and last name