Welcome to Kindergarten at Hedges Elementary. This page contains many of the school year activities and will be updated frequently. Please check back often!

The kiddos

May 20th

Kindergarten Families! May 20, 2011
WOW! What a crazy month! I am amazed that this year is almost over, and what a great year we had!
Chocolate orders are here and are being sent home with your child for distributing. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Woodland Park
We are planning on going to Woodland Park on Friday, May 27th for an end of the year celebration. We will leave the school around 9:00 to walk down to the park. The day will be spent playing, feeding the ducks, visiting and of course barbequing lunch. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to join us! If it rains, we will not be going. So, keep your fingers crossed for sunny weather! On the back you will find a reminder about what item you volunteered to bring.

Volunteer Luncheon
There will be a volunteer luncheon on Wednesday, May 25th as a way to say THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered at Hedges this year. The luncheon will be held in the library from 11:00 – 12:30. Please join us for some great food!
Science Olympiad
Thursday, May 26th we are having a science Olympiad from 8:30-11:00 for grades K-2. We are looking for volunteers to go to each station with classes. If you are interested in helping, please contact me.
Lone Pine
All three Kindergarten classes will be going to Lone Pine on June 2nd. Please be sure to send your child with a lunch, water bottle, hiking shoes, and a coat.
Last Day
REMINDER: MY last day is May 27th; your child’s last day of school is June 9th!
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home with your child on the last day of school, June 9th. Included with report cards will be your child’s Dibel scores, next year’s teacher as well as a school supply list for first grade!
Thank you for sharing your child with me this year! I am amazed at how much growth each child has shown this year. Enjoy your summer and see you next year!
~Mrs. Wyant